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[AI写作] 超越ChatGPT的涩涩创作AI,Midreal AI这个小说生成工具太强了
Midreal AI和ChatGPT一样都是根据提示词进行生成创作,但是与其他LLM(Large Language Model 大语言模型)直接生成的根本没有行文逻辑和故事情节的“小说”不同。这个产品不仅可以生成真正的小说,逻辑性和创造力都在线,而且还加入了和用户进行互动的能力,每到关键节点会让你选择剧情走向,还会生成一张配图。
Midreal AI生成的配图与故事如下(附件大小限制,图片因压缩可能失真):
Attack on Titan 进击的巨人 How to play:
- Copy the whole prompt (blue text red text).
复制整个提示(蓝色文本 红色文本)。
- Click 'Go to Discord' and jump to the Discord server.
点击“转到 Discord”并跳转到 Discord 服务器。 - Paste the text into the input box and press ‘Enter’ to continue the story.
- Titan University: 泰坦大学:/start featured_world:Attack on Titan scenario:You've just enrolled in the most prestigious university inside the walls, Titan University. However, this isn't your typical school. Here, students are trained in both academics and combat against Titans. As you navigate college life, you and your friends uncover a secret society within the university...
/start featured_world:进击的巨人场景:你刚刚就读于城墙内最负盛名的大学——泰坦大学。但是,这不是典型的学校。在这里,学生们接受了学术和对抗泰坦的训练。当你在大学生活中航行时,你和你的朋友在大学里发现了一个秘密社团......
Titan eSports Tournament: 泰坦电子竞技锦标赛:/start featured_world:Attack on Titan scenario:In a modern twist, you're a top player in the world's most popular eSports game: "Titan Defense." As you climb the ranks and head to the world championships, you discover that the game might be more connected to the real world of Titans than anyone realizes.
/start featured_world:进击的巨人场景:在现代转折中,你是世界上最受欢迎的电子竞技游戏“泰坦防御”的顶级玩家。随着你不断攀升并前往世界锦标赛,你会发现这款游戏与泰坦现实世界的联系可能比任何人意识到的都要多。
The Scout Regiment Boot Camp: 童子军团新兵训练营:/start featured_world:Attack on Titan scenario:You've just been accepted into the Scout Regiment's elite training boot camp. As you undergo rigorous training, form bonds with fellow trainees, and learn to use the ODM gear, you're faced with real-life Titan encounters much sooner than expected. How will you and your friends handle the pressure?
/start featured_world:进击的巨人场景:你刚刚被侦察兵团的精英训练营录取。当你接受严格的训练,与其他学员建立联系,并学习使用ODM装备时,你将比预期更早地面临现实生活中的泰坦遭遇。你和你的朋友将如何应对压力?
Wall Maria Reconstruction Initiative: 玛丽亚墙重建计划:/start featured_world:Attack on Titan scenario:After the reclaiming of Wall Maria, you're chosen as the leader of a special team tasked with its reconstruction. The world inside the walls has changed, and resources are scattered. With your ODM gear and a team of skilled builders, miners, and scouts, you embark on a mission to gather materials, fend off occasional Titan threats, and rebuild the wall block by block. As you progress, you can design fortifications, set up outposts, and even discover hidden underground caverns with secrets of the past.
/start featured_world:进击的巨人场景:在收回玛丽亚长城后,你被选为一个负责重建的特别小组的队长。墙内的世界发生了变化,资源分散了。带着你的ODM装备和一支由熟练的建筑商、矿工和侦察兵组成的团队,你开始了一项任务,收集材料,抵御偶尔的泰坦威胁,并一块一块地重建城墙。随着你的进步,你可以设计防御工事,建立前哨站,甚至发现隐藏着过去秘密的地下洞穴。
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