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标题: [三级] [法国/四级]阴道闲聊 Pussy Talk 1975(经典复古影片 性感女郎用阴道来交谈)[MP4/952MB/666/BT] [打印本页]

作者: zxc111343    时间: 2017-6-17 23:23     标题: [法国/四级]阴道闲聊 Pussy Talk 1975(经典复古影片 性感女郎用阴道来交谈)[MP4/952MB/666/BT]


【影片名称】:阴道闲聊 Pussy Talk 1975(经典复古影片 性感女郎用阴道来交谈)


影评 ︰ 法国 1975 色情别致说话的阴道。西尔维娅弹簧和贝亚特丽斯 主演。此版本是完整无缺,。

令人惊讶和奇怪的电影,精神分析感兴趣的 ︰ 将一件有趣的同伴到了最近的"牙齿"。咯咯地叫这老太婆的声音来自这个女孩那艳丽的花瓣,是令人毛骨悚然和怪异,至少可以说。有一些热的、 自然的、 性感的七十多岁美女在这里 有几个可以预见的是海侵 70 s 性别-场景 ︰ 他妈的在忏悔室等。我的最爱之一就在附近开始,女主角在那里随便爬上她的衣服和心烦意乱地开始手淫在枯燥的晚餐聚会。所有在所有经典 ︰ 很少看到其完整和未删节的形式

Beautiful young woman suffering from the fact that her pussy begins to talk in the most inappropriate and frivolous details. This goes on for so long, until she meets a man with the same problems.
影评: The French 1975 porno-chic with the talking vagina. Starring Sylvia Bourdon, and Béatrice Harnois. This version is uncut, running 1h28m. It is a pretty clean print, although it unfortunately has a D.O.G. of a website address (pretty unobtrusive, in the bottom left corner). French language, no subs. Amazing and bizarre film of psychoanalytic interest: would make an interesting companion piece to the recent “Teeth.” The cackling old crone’s voice coming out of this girl’s pretty petals, is creepy and weird, to say the least. There are some hot, natural, voluptuous seventies beauties here: pre-silicone, pre-waxing. There are several predictably transgressive 70s sex-scenes: such as a fuck in a confessional booth. One of my favourites is near the beginning, where the female lead casually hikes up her dress and distractedly starts masturbating in the middle of a boring dinner party. All in all a classic: rarely seen in its complete and unexpurgated form (85 votes on imdb).



附件: 阴道闲聊 Pussy Talk 1975.mp4.torrent (2017-6-17 23:23, 74.99 KB) / 该附件被下载次数 261
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